Disclaimer: By submitting your application, you agree to the Foundation’s use of the personal information (“PII”) about you collected by the Foundation. The Foundation may use the PII we collect about you for any authorized purpose relating to the mission of the Foundation and the IAC Foundation Scholarship program, including evaluating applications, providing information to our current and potential partners and donors, and contacting you. We may also disclose and provide such PII to other parties (including persons located outside the United States) who participate in the IAC Foundation Scholarship program and to service providers to facilitate on our behalf the IAC Foundation Scholarship program. Non-affiliated companies and individuals that assist the Foundation in providing services related to the IAC Foundation Scholarship program are required to maintain the confidentiality of such information to the extent they receive it and to use your PII only in the course of providing such services and only for the purposes that we dictate. In order to provide efficient and reliable services and to improve the IAC Foundation Scholarship Program, we may use or disclose your PII for marketing, research and other business purposes, and we may associate your PII with other information we collect about you, such as details about your usage patterns and interests, but we will not sell this information or disclose it to third parties.